We offer marine rigging supplies you will need to complete your next sailing project. We provide stainless steel turnbuckles, swage studs, swage forks, swage eyes, swageless forks and swage strap toggle forks and more marine rigging fittings which support sailing ships or sail boats.
Swageless Fork - Wire Rope Compression Fitting in 316 Marine Grade Stainless Steel Swageless Fork - Self-assembly stainless steel wire rope terminal. Wire: 4 mm Pin: 6 mm A: 7...
Closed Body Turnbuckle with Threaded Fork to Swageless Stud in 316 Grade Stainless Steel Rigging screw body with a fork (and clevis pin) at one end and a swageless 'Norseman'...
Swage Stud with Metric Thread - Stainless Steel Wire Rope Fitting Stainless steel swage stud to suit wire rope from 3mm to 26mm diameter, thread sizes from M8 to M38....
Swage Fork with Clevis Pin - Stainless Steel Wire Rope Fitting Stainless steel fork with a pin to be swaged or crimped onto wire rope. Wire: 6 mm, Pin: 9,5...
Swage Eye - Machined Style - Stainless Steel Wire Rope Fitting Machined swage eye to suit stainless steel wire rope from 3mm to 12mm diameter. Wire: 6 mm, T: 10 mm, D2: 11 mm,...
Swage Strap Toggle Fork - Stainless Steel Wire Rope Fitting Machined stainless steel swage eye combined with a cross pin pressed into eye hole. Free from structural welds which may reduce...
Closed Body Turnbuckle with Threaded Toggle to Swage Stud in 316 Grade Stainless Steel Rigging screw body with a toggle at one end and swage stud at the other end,...